For quick answers and detailed information about our package, please Click Here to access our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section. We strongly advise reading it before placing an order.
An optimized book description can instantly boost your sales by up to 60%.
In a competitive marketplace, books with enticing descriptions have a distinct advantage. Readers need context to understand a book's genre, theme and how it matches their interests.
A well-crafted book description provides potential readers with a concise and engaging preview of what the book is about, what makes it unique, and why they should invest their time and money in it.
It's a crucial marketing tool that can pique curiosity, create interest, and ultimately drive book sales.
After penning thousands of book descriptions, we've fine-tuned our craft, so you can trust that we know our way around turning words into magic.
We've got a knack for getting into the minds of your readers. We understand what makes them tick, what makes them reach for a book, and how to craft descriptions that speak to their hearts.
So, whether you're a seasoned author or a new kid on the block, our friendly team is here to make your book shine. We're not just crafting descriptions; we're crafting experiences that connect readers to your words.
- 5 (BUSINESS) days
- One professional book description
- In-depth audience research
- 100% unique content
- Unlimited revisions
- HTML formatting for KDP
If you are ordering a fiction book description, please include a summary of your manuscript.
We begin working on your order as soon as it is placed and processed in our system. This allows us to allocate resources and ensure timely delivery efficiently.
If you contact us with new information or request changes to your order after we have completed more than 20% of the package, there may be an additional charge and a delivery delay – significant changes late in the production process can require additional resources, time, and effort to implement.
Not convinced? Click here to learn more.