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Attention-Grabbing Author Bio for Self-Publishers
Your author bio is like your business card. Make sure your name sticks in your customer's mind and doesn't land in the trash.
If your name isn't J.K. Rowling, James Patterson or Steven King, readers won't know who you are.
One of the first things they do is click on your author bio to see if you are a credible author they can trust. Readers want to know who you are before buying your books.
Having a killer author bio is a great authority builder for your books.
Take advantage of this extra marketing tool and order your author bio today.
- 5 (BUSINESS) days
- One killer author bio (includes long and short version)
- 100% unique content
- Unlimited revisions
We begin working on your order as soon as it is placed and processed in our system. This allows us to allocate resources and ensure timely delivery efficiently.
If you contact us with new information or request changes to your order after we have completed more than 20% of the package, there may be an additional charge and a delivery delay – significant changes late in the production process can require additional resources, time, and effort to implement.